Renaissance Global Services has an established reputation of providing quality project management services and efficient project delivery on a variety of ventures ranging in scale and scope. For us, each project is personal and deserves our fullest attention to every detail. We approach each project with discipline, leverage our experience, and apply all our skills to maximize value and ensure on-time delivery of the best possible, most cost-effective solution.
Pharmaceutical | Life Sciences
Multi-Drug GMP Manufacturing Facility
Research Triangle Park, Holly Springs, North Carolina
Currently performing construction management, administration, and site safety oversight of a 350,000 SF multi-drug GMP manufacturing facility from the ground up on a greenfield site. This $800M facility is designed to be a flexible and expandable multi-product manufacturing hub utilizing CIP and single use disposable systems for various drugs including injectables. The project includes a central utilities plant, QC labs, and administrative office space as well as associated site infrastructure including utilities, fire suppression, stand-by power, rain harvesting, and secure communications systems. As the owner’s representative, we are committed to delivering this unique, complex facility with a custom-tailored, multi-disciplinary team to provide an integrated full suite of services. Our services include implementing project controls, quality oversight, managing the compliance of EHS/construction safety, document control, operational logistics, and strategic management.
Confidential Pharmaceutical Client
Consolidation of R&D Laboratories
Various Locations in New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts
Consolidated five high-tech research facilities in three states into two new campuses requiring collaboration with 1,000 scientists, the handling of over 15,000 pieces of capital inventory consisting of sensitive lab equipment and robotics systems, and relocation of more than 6MM samples over a four-year period. RGS extracted equipment data from engineering drawings and created equipment data collection sheets with dimensions, utility, alarm & data requirements for use on interactive devices. Obtained and secured use confirmations from various client department heads and coordinated with end users to validate equipment locations at new client sites. Prepared relocation plan and strategy and executed relocation acting as liaison between lab users and move planning team. Provided equipment field verification to onsite construction manager with continual updates as equipment changes and additions occurred. RGS utilized the latest BIM software to include equipment maintenance information, location, related retrieval items and warranty information. RGS was recognized by the client for our development of an integrated process management tool used to inventory, track, and manage the supply chain, warehousing and installation of high-end specialty lab equipment. RGS was instrumental in providing continuity and stability to drive project objectives that were changing rapidly during the project life-cycle and had significant business criticality.
Confidential Pharmaceutical Client
Chemistry Lab Build-Out
Hopewell, New Jersey
Project Manager for the fit-out of twelve chemistry laboratories and associated workspace and support areas for over 100 employees including upgrades to existing utilities, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in an existing partially occupied building. The project included major upgrades to the ventilation and air handling systems requiring increased vacuum capability to support over 80 fume hoods and upgrades to multiple Strobic fans, installation of communications and data systems, conversion of an existing laboratory into fully integrated chemical stockroom, renovation of an existing virgin and waste chemical storage area, a new fire suppression system, the relocation and installation of scientific equipment from other facilities, a roof replacement, and associated site work. The project team managed the entire project including planning, design and construction of a chemical reagent storeroom, installation of high voltage power system improvements for specialized lab equipment, installation of a CO2 manifolded delivery system, chemical waste treatment containment and disposal, modifications to Mammoth air handling systems, and contractor selection for testing and installation of specialized systems.
Akorn Pharmaceuticals
Alcohol Remediation Project
Amityville, New York
Oversaw a range of fast-track facility improvements including mechanical, electrical, fire protection, and process equipment upgrades with an overall budget of $12M. RGS reviewed design documents, conducted value engineering, managed the bidding and contractor selection process, managed permits, conducted equipment procurement, and ensured the project stayed within scope. RGS identified redundancies and implemented design solutions with the Corporate Global Team resulting in reducing project costs to within budget and streamlining the construction schedule while ensuring compliance with Akorn’s specifications, FDA regulations, applicable codes, and cGMP guidelines. RGS established a robust communication platform to overcome social distancing and on-site restrictions while undergoing construction during the pandemic.
Becton Dickinson Caribe, LTD
Building 4 Renovations – Warehouse Retrofit
Cayey, Puerto Rico
Oversaw a $1.8M retrofit of an existing building into a modern warehouse facility for storing materials and supplies to be used in the manufacturing process for clinical reagents. The scope of work included new utilities, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, fire protection system, communications systems, security system, and dedicated office space. RGS managed challenging pandemic-induced supply chain interruptions, ordering long-lead items as early in the process as possible to minimize construction delays, reviewed shop drawings and materials for compliance and quality and employed local expertise to bridge communications gaps.
Bristol Myers Squibb
Regional Operations Center Construction and Fit-Out
Lawrence Township, New Jersey
Provided construction management services for the construction and fit-out of a new $3.6M Regional Operations Center and relocation from the existing facility. This was a sensitive project requiring that the existing facility was duplicated, outfitted, commissioned, and stood up at a new 7,500 SF location while the exiting facility remained on-line to prevent disruptions to ongoing operations. The new facility includes redundant, self-contained systems capable of uninterrupted, stand-alone operations for extended periods without the support of external power or utilities. RGS solicited proposals for design, reviewed designs and proposals, recommended the design contract award, and managed the design to BMS standards. Upon completion of design, RGS solicited proposals from contractors, leveled bids, recommended awards of contracts, conducted construction management services, and oversaw commissioning, training and financial close-out. RGS leveraged experience and lessons learned from previous projects to avoid mistakes and minimize negative impacts on costs and schedule.
Bristol Myers Squibb
Workspace Renovation and Expansion
Hopewell, New Jersey
Provided project management services for a $4.2M renovation and expansion of an existing, outdated cubicle workspace to maximize occupancy in a 23,000 SF functional and aesthetic open space work layout. Increased capacity by 101 desks for a total of over 160 workstations. The project required the demolition of existing workspaces and support areas including previously environmentally-monitored and high security areas, and the construction of seven new multimedia rooms, ten conference rooms, and six open space work areas as well as upgrading all existing bathrooms. Additional improvements included increased IT capabilities, requiring new Cat 6 data cabling and servers, installation of VOIP telecommunications systems, enhanced AV equipment, fire protection, Workplace Solutions furnishings, signage, and conversion from analog to digital HVAC controls. RGS oversaw the design and space allocation for the relocation of several departments within BMS and coordinated with local non-profit agencies for the donation and distribution of furnishings from demolished workspaces and conference rooms. RGS also developed bid documents, managed the contractor selection process, and provided construction oversight and administration.
Johnson & Johnson
cGMP Automated Distribution Center
Mooresville, Indiana
Performed construction management services as the owner’s representative for a 458,000 SF cGMP Automated Distribution Center on a greenfield site to support R&D operations. This $162M advanced cGMP distribution center included advanced security and access control, precise temperature and humidity controls, and special air ventilation and conditioning systems. RGS managed the construction and project delivery of the distribution center from the ground up through a challenging operating environment created by COVID-19. RGS executed project controls to manage the budget and construction schedule, conducted construction administration including managing RFIs, enforcing contract requirements, and conducting construction oversight. The client sought out RGS to manage this project knowing that we would deploy a primary PM not only experienced with the client, but with the unique skillset to manage the complexity of the project. Through our relationships and extensive network in the pharmaceutical industry, this project was completed on time and on budget despite the supply chain and logistics challenges of undertaking a complex and highly technical construction endeavor during a global pandemic.
Office Building Renovation and Parking Lot Expansion
Titusville, New Jersey
Provided construction management services for the renovation of a three-story building consisting of 270,000 SF of office space and communal areas and the addition of 400 parking spaces with a total construction cost of $120M. Serving as the Owner’s Agent, RGS managed budgets, scheduling, facilitated field changes to the approved design, and supervised the design team, construction management firm, and the project’s commissioning agent. RGS assumed the lead CM role after the inception of the project and managed to shepherd the project through to a successful completion despite joining the project team late in the process.
Healthcare | Education
U.S. Department of Veterans Affair
VA Jacksonville Outpatient Clinic and Domiciliary
Jacksonville, Florida
Provided pre-planning and Initial Outfitting, Transition & Activation Services for a new 185,500 SF outpatient clinic and 30-bed domiciliary designed to replace two smaller clinics and meet the needs of the Jacksonville area’s growing veteran population. The new $64M facility provides eyecare, mental health, prosthetics and sensory aids, physical rehabilitation, and audiology and speech pathology services. It also includes primary care and specialty clinics, radiology, laboratory services, biomedical engineering, a pharmacy, police services, and communal areas such as a lobby and reception. The domiciliary provides rehabilitation and treatment for homeless veterans. The facility serves the needs of the area’s 80,000 veterans.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
James A. Haley VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic
New Port Richey, Florida
Provided Initial Outfitting, Transition & Activation Services for a new 143,00 SF facility designed to enhance outpatient services by consolidating four VA clinics. The new facility provides primary care, mental health, eyecare, dental, audiology, pulmonary, prosthetics, physical therapy, medical and surgical specialties and associated ancillary services. It also includes radiology, laboratory services, a pharmacy, administrative offices, library, police and a canteen. The scope of work included comprehensive interior design services and the development of 127 acquisition packages valued at $6.7M. The project team managed to maintain the project on schedule and within scope as the general construction was delayed for over 12 months. The VA recognized RGS for our ability to identify risks early on while addressing competing concerns and last-minute changes during all phases of the project. Additionally, our team assisted the local VA Team in the development of a standard process for acquisitions. The facility will serve the approximate 49,000 veterans of Pasco County.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Lincoln Community Based Outpatient Clinic
Lincoln, Nebraska
Provided Pre-planning and Initial Outfitting, Transition & Activation Services for a 90,00 SF facility that was part of the redevelopment and modernization of an existing WWII-era VA campus. The new $46M facility provides dental, eyecare, mental health, prosthetics, physical rehabilitation, audiology and speech pathology, and women’s health services. It also includes primary care and specialty clinics, radiology, laboratory services, a pharmacy, and communal areas such as a lobby and reception. The scope of work included comprehensive interior design services and preparing 91 equipment acquisition packages valued at $8.5M. The VA also recognized RGS for developing a recycling plan to reclaim and reuse hundreds of pieces of medical equipment and furnishings from the legacy hospital valued at over $6M that would have otherwise been disposed of. All services were completed early and under budget. The clinic is estimated to serve 73,000 veterans annually.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Birmingham Mental Health Clinic
Birmingham, Alabama
Provided Pre-planning and Initial Outfitting, Transition & Activation Services for relocation to a new 64,000 SF Mental Health Clinic while maintaining access to care at an urban legacy hospital. The new $76M clinic offers outpatient mental health services, including specialty clinics for PTSD, Substance Use Disorder, and Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery to better serve veterans’ needs. In addition, it addresses special needs associated with the treatment of mental health patients by providing the appropriate space and features to ensure the safety and security of mental health patients, visitors, providers and staff. The project was completed on time and within budget despite having to work under pandemic protocol conditions. In addition, the VA recognized RGS for our ability to effectively manage the project and interface productively with stakeholders and the construction team under these conditions. The new facility serves approximately 25,000 patients per year.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center
Long Beach, California
Provided Outfitting and Activation services for audiology, eye, and sleep clinics consisting of six audiology exam rooms, 26 eye testing, exam and treatment rooms, and six sleep study lab rooms on the main and second floors of the building adjacent to a new hospital tower. Our flexible and adaptive approach resulted in the project finishing on time and under budget despite an evolving scope and unexpected flooding of the warehouse. The VA also recognized RGS for implementing a daily lessons learned and look ahead meeting with the VA Team and construction manager and adopted the technique as an SOP for future projects. The medical center serves approximately 50,000 veterans in and around the Long Beach area.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Palo Alto Basic Science Research Building
Palo Alto, California
Provided Warehousing and Activation Services for a new 95,000 SF Biomedical Research Building with a 50,000 SF vivarium and two 22,500 SF floors of wet laboratories with office and support spaces. The scope of work on this $127M facility included inspection, storage, moving, and installation services of new and existing specialty equipment, fixtures, and IT items as well as moving a population of over 1,200 research animals under complex constraints for their safety and care. This required coordination of high-level aerosol bacteriostatic cleaning of the vivarium prior to delivery of the animals. The VA recognized RGS for planning and implementing the move without any disruptions to operations at the existing hospital facility.
Dormitory Authority of the State of New York
City University of New York Administrative Office Consolidation
New York, New York
Under a term contract with the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (DASNY), provided move planning and logistical services to the City University of New York to relocate four administrative offices across Manhattan and Brooklyn and consolidate them into three Manhattan locations. Required coordination with multiple departments to move a staff of over 250 people, thousands of files, and hundreds of items of office equipment and furniture in stages in a challenging and congested urban area without interrupting student services or operational capability.
Infrastructure | Utilities
National Grid
CAPEX Improvements
Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and Long Island, New York
Providing ongoing oversight and inspection services since 2014 for the construction of dozens of capital improvements projects with an average value of $1M including natural gas transmission, distribution piping, and appurtenances (regulator stations, gate stations, et al.). Assured Client requirements were met. Verified quantities of work performed for payment and/or dispute resolution. Assured Safety requirements were adhered to during execution of work. Provided interfaces with other affected stakeholders during project execution.
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
JFK International Airport, Terminal 4 Departures Lounge Transformation
Jamaica, New York
Provided construction phase support to the Architect of Record for the renovation of the T4 departures lounge including redesigned check-in areas to improve passenger flow and ergonomics, installation of enhanced and additional self-service kiosks, and new high visibility LED passenger information screens. Services included document(s) review, progress monitoring and reporting, field support and inspections.
New Jersey Turnpike Authority
Waterway Substructure Rehabilitation and Curve Advisory Signage Improvements
Various New Jersey Locations
Supported the preliminary and final design of waterway substructure rehabilitation, bridge parapets and median barriers reconstruction, and miscellaneous improvements on two high priority bridges with an estimated construction cost of $12M. Additionally supported the installation and/or replacement of ground and structure-mounted curve warning signing and associated supports for 285 signs along 63 miles of roadway. Provided project support to the design engineers including constructability reviews to validate means and methods, verified project scopes and materials selections, assisted with drawing reviews, and researched alternative products for acceptance and use. Prepared budgeting estimates for development of identified alternative solutions. Prepared traffic control plans.
Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission
Super Storm Sandy Recovery
Newark, New Jersey
Renaissance Global Services worked with the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission to coordinate and document efforts as part of Superstorm Sandy recuperation of a 14-acre plant. The firm’s team of experts performed field surveys and reviewed documentation to identify affected conditions, reporting findings to FEMA for more effective recovery and repair. In addition, Renaissance Global Services helped put a mitigation plan into place and spearheaded a baseline environmental and cultural resource survey on behalf of FEMA, which ensured that practical means and measures to protect, restore and enhance the environment in the event of future disasters were employed to the best efforts possible.
City of New York
Super Storm Sandy Recovery
New York, New York
Renaissance Global Services coordinated with a Fortune 500 real estate management firm to track contractors executing Superstorm Sandy recovery with New York City Rapid Repairs, a program to help residential property owners rebuild after suffering storm damage. Renaissance Global Services consulted on contractor performance and cost analysis, while weighing-in on potential project pitfalls and challenges. As part of the efforts, Renaissance Global Services was able to identify billing inconsistencies and materials theft, which saved funds and streamlined the program to reinforce integrity and honesty on behalf of NYC Rapid Repairs.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
JFK International Airport Cogeneration Facility Offsite & Infrastructure Support Piping
Jamaica, New York
Provided design/build project delivery for all off-site interconnection systems to accommodate a new 100 mW Cogeneration facility and capital improvements to a Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant, (CHRP). The scope of work on this $100M project included design and construction of a new thermal distribution system in the airport Central Terminal Area to supply nine terminal buildings and retrofitting of the existing Mechanical Equipment Rooms, design and construction of 1.5 miles of 1,000 PSIG MAOP primary natural gas pipeline, 3 miles of 138 kV underground electrical transmission lines, and secondary (double containment) jet fuel pipeline. Services provided included management of engineering design and preparation of construction drawings, preparation of specifications and bid documents, managing the solicitation and contractor selection process, awarding equipment and material contracts, scheduling, budgeting, shop drawing reviews, construction inspections, quality assurance, invoice and change order management, coordination with and reporting to stakeholders, as-built documentation, project turnover, and warranty support. Managed the testing, commissioning and startup services for pipelines and all components of the project including 100% radiographic examination of welded joints and hydrostatic testing of components to ensure superior construction quality. A significant portion of work, including the HDD installation of natural gas pipeline under two active taxiways, occurred in sensitive operational areas (secure cargo areas, working taxiways, runways, and buildings) without disruption of ongoing airline operations.